Archivos para septiembre 2019

La Conferencia Anual de Labor del Reino Unido revela una lucha continua por el alma del partido

Si Jeremy Corbyn y sus verdaderos seguidores salen ilesos de este proceso y pueden liderar y gobernar, tendrá un enorme impacto en el pueblo de Gran Bretaña y es casi seguro que cambiará las reglas del juego con respecto a Palestina.

Jeremy Corbyn feature photo

BRIGHTON, UNITED KINGDOM -- Once again this lovely city sitting on the English Channel hosted the UK Labour Party Conference, and once again I had the good fortune to be there. Both heroes and villains were to be found in the saga that today makes up the UK Labour Party, and if there were an appropriate title to be given to these three days it

The White Helmets, Hala Systems and the Grotesque Militarization of “Humanitarianism” in Syria

Vanessa Beeley looks at how the now-infamous White Helmets partnered with Chicago-based Hala Systems to militarize so-called humanitarian efforts in Syria.

Hala White Helmets Feature photo

Syria, August 2019 - reports came in that Russian warplanes had destroyed two terrorist-manned early warning radar posts in the Northern Hama countryside, known as the 20th post and the Eagle post. According to an article published by South Front, these early warning posts are “tasked with monitoring flights of Russian and Syrian warplanes” and

Julian Assange de Edward Snowden es un Julian Assange desconocido

Hay una contradicción incuestionable entre la oposición de Snowden al arresto de Assange y los juegos retóricos que juega con el personaje de Assange en sus memorias, Registro permanente.

Snowden Assange

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and WikiLeaks’ former editor Julian Assange have a complicated relationship. On the one hand, they share important similarities: both are perceived as dangerous enemies by the United States government, and both have been documentary subjects of filmmaker Laura Poitras. On the other hand, they clearly disagree when

Recordando a Hisham Ahmed: activista, profesor y potencia palestina

El Dr. Hisham Ahmed encarnaba la causa palestina: superar enormes desafíos, resiliente, orgulloso, incansable, firme.

Dr. Hisham Ahmed

Hisham Ahmed was born in Deheisheh refugee camp on the outskirts of Bethlehem, Palestine in 1963.  Blind from birth, Hisham somehow surmounted all odds and ultimately earned a Ph.D. from the University of California at Santa Barbara. He taught for many years at Birzeit University in Palestine, before coming to Saint Mary's College of California in

Están asesinando a mi hijo: el padre de Julian Assange habla de dolor y angustia

John Shipton, el padre del denunciante encarcelado Julian Assange, dice que si su hijo es extraditado a los Estados Unidos, "asesinarán a Julian de una forma u otra".

Julian Assange Feature photo

Julian Assange’s father, John Shipton, gave an interview to Strategic Culture Foundation over the weekend. After arriving from his home country of Australia, Shipton is visiting several European states, including Russia, to bring public attention to the persecution of Julian Assange by British authorities over his role as a publisher and

Los sauditas culpan a Irán por los ataques de Aramco pero toman represalias bombardeando a civiles yemeníes

La Coalición liderada por Arabia Saudita ha utilizado el estrangulamiento económico sistemático como arma de guerra. Esto, para los muchos en Yemen que celebraron el ataque de Aramco, es una justificación suficiente para apuntar al corazón de la economía de Arabia Saudita.

Yemen Saudi airstrike feature photo

AMRAN, YEMEN -- Unlike the burning fields of neighboring Saudi Arabia, in Yemen scenes of massive fires have become commonplace, a reality that civilians do not accept but have come to expect. For nearly five years, since the Saudi-led Coalition began its bombing campaign in Yemen, Yemeni residents have watched as their neighbors’ homes have burned