Archivos para diciembre 2019

New York Times cita a un eugenista nacionalista blanco en una pieza titulada "Los secretos del genio judío"

En su columna titulada "Los secretos del genio judío", Bret Stephens reflexionó sobre la pregunta de por qué los judíos habían logrado tanto a pesar de constituir una parte tan pequeña de la población mundial. Para él, la respuesta estaba en su superioridad genética.

New York Times Feature photo

The paper of record is under fire again for publishing an unusual article promoting race science. In his column entitled “The Secrets of Jewish Genius,” Bret Stephens pondered the question: why have Jews achieved so much despite constituting such a small part of the world’s population? For Stephens, the answer lay in their genetic superiority:

Wikileaks sigue teniendo poder para rendir cuentas como el fundador Julian Assange "muere lentamente" en prisión

Assange se mantiene en confinamiento solitario 23 horas al día, a menudo sedado, en la famosa prisión británica de Belmarsh.

Julian Assange Feature photo

Julian Assange is dying inside Belmarsh Prison in London. Those are his own words, relayed through English journalist Vaughan Smith, who revealed that the Wikileaks founder called him on Christmas Eve to share his greetings. Smith also divulged that Assange told him he is kept in solitary confinement 23 hours per day and is often sedated. His

Soldados venezolanos pro golpistas que huyeron a los Estados Unidos ahora encerrados en el centro de detención de ICE

En un giro irónico digno de una canción de Alanis Morissette, los participantes en un golpe de Estado respaldado por Estados Unidos se encuentran ahora en un campo de detención de ICE.

ICE Detention Center

The Venezuelan soldiers who participated in the U.S.-backed coup attempt in April of this year and subsequently fled to the U.S. have been incarcerated in ICE detention camps ever since. Telemundo, a subsidiary of NBCUniversal, secured an interview with Major Hugo Parra, the highest-ranking of the handful of soldiers who answered self-declared

¿La investigación de la CPI sobre crímenes de guerra israelíes finalmente traerá justicia a Palestina?

Si bien una investigación exhaustiva sin duda precederá a cualquier decisión de la Corte Penal Internacional, no hace falta ser un gran estudioso del derecho para comprender que arrojar toneladas de bombas desde aviones de combate a una población civil indefensa constituye un crimen de guerra.

Israel ICC Feature photo

Fatou Bensouda, the International Criminal Court’s Chief Prosecutor, said in a statement regarding “alleged crimes” committed in the occupied Palestinian territories that “all the statutory criteria under the Rome Statute for the opening of an investigation have been met.” The territories in question include the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the

Social Media and Social Control: How Silicon Valley Serves the US State Department

Facebook isn’t the only Silicon Valley firm with partisan oversight of what we see: the bipartisan billionaire class and their security state have partnered with tech firms since the dawn of the internet to control the parameters of users’ thinking.

Silicon Valley State Department Feature photo

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg is in the spotlight for “dining with far-right figures,” and their influence over the information that appears in your feed is apparent. However, Facebook isn’t the only Silicon Valley firm that’s masquerading as nonpartisan as it curates the “facts” you see in ads, posts, or searches: Google, Twitter, Microsoft, and

El valle de la muerte: la coalición saudita está creando una pesadilla viviente para los migrantes africanos en Yemen

Ahmed AbdulKareem cuenta la historia de Heramala y miles de migrantes africanos como él que hacen el desgarrador viaje a través de Yemen, con la esperanza de una vida mejor en Arabia Saudita.

Yemen African Migrants Feature photo

YEMEN-SAUDI BORDER -- Hoping for a better life, 32-year-old Hermala left Jimma, a poor farming district in Ethiopia's Oromia region, and set out towards Saudi Arabia. He faced unspeakable dangers along the journey, including death at sea, torture, and abuse in chasing what would ultimately remain an unfulfilled dream. Over the course of the