Archivos para marzo 2020

Conozca a los estadounidenses que estudian medicina en la moneda del gobierno cubano

El gobierno cubano ha estado pagando a los estadounidenses a través de un programa poco conocido de décadas para estudiar medicina con el fin de regresar a los Estados Unidos y servir a comunidades desfavorecidas.

Cuba medical school Feature photo

It’s a medical school like no other: the largest of its kind in the world. The Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM) in Havana, Cuba hosts students from well over 100 countries and every year, dozens of American students are paid to go there to train as doctors. Paid, that is, by the Cuban government on the proviso that they return to the U.S.

Recordando a Theresa Halsa: venerada veterana de la resistencia palestina

Theresa Halsa, una veterana del movimiento de resistencia armada palestina, sobrevivió décadas en una prisión israelí. Recientemente sucumbió al cáncer a la edad de 66 años.

Theresa Halsa Feature photo

Amman, Jordan -- “I didn’t join the Palestinian resistance because I experienced suffering, I joined out of a sense of patriotism,” Theresa Halasa, a revered veteran of the Palestinian resistance said this in an interview in 2009. Halasa died in Amman on March 28, 2020, after succumbing to cancer. She was 65 years old. In 1972, Halasa was one of

Estados Unidos acusado de utilizar ayuda alimentaria para contrabandear armas a militantes en el campo de refugiados de Rukban en Siria

Los camiones de ayuda de la ONU, según fuentes militares rusas, se están utilizando para entregar no solo alimentos y suministros a los civiles afectados, sino también armas y municiones a Maghawir Al-Thawra.

A U.S.-backed anti-government fighter mans a heavy automatic machine gun, left, next to an American soldier as they take their positions at Tanf, a border crossing between Syria and Iraq (Hammurabi’s Justice News/AP)

DAMASCUS (Mideast Discourse) -- While the COVID-19 pandemic has taken center stage in the media, little attention is being paid to a tragedy playing out in southeastern Syria. Far away from the western media coverage of the “Islamic State of Idlib”, the scene is set in a desolate area on the border between Syria and Iraq, adjacent to the illegal

Los equipos de política exterior de Biden apuntan a una guerra con China, un conflicto con Rusia

Un análisis realizado por el Brookings Institute basado en entrevistas con los equipos de política exterior de Biden sugiere una política exterior que refleja de cerca la del Pentágono bajo el presidente Trump.

Joe Biden Foreign Policy Feature photo

After closely conversing with senior foreign policy experts on Joe Biden’s team, Thomas Wright, Director of the Center on the United States and Europe for the influential think-tank the Brookings Institute, penned an unintentionally hair-raising article on what a Biden presidency would look like for the rest of the world. He explains to his elite

El FMI condiciona el préstamo de emergencia COVID-19 a Venezuela por cambio de régimen

El FMI rechazó un préstamo de emergencia de COVID-19 a Venezuela a menos que acordara derrocar al presidente Maduro e instale a Juan Guaidó, respaldado por Washington.

Venezuela coronavirus Feature photo

Earlier this month, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) blocked a request from Venezuela for an emergency loan to deal with the COVID–19 pandemic on the grounds that President Nicolas Maduro “lacked recognition.” “IMF engagement with member countries is predicated on official government recognition by the international community, as reflected in

Masticados y escupidos: ¿Qué les sucede a los veteranos cuando se jubilan?

22 millones de estadounidenses han servido en las fuerzas armadas. Si bien los militares están constantemente glamorizados en la vida pública, la realidad para muchos es que, una vez que ya no son de uso, son arrojados como basura en una acera.

US Veterans

The phrase “military-industrial complex” is thrown around a lot. But the fact remains that the United States spends almost as much on war as the rest of the world combined. American troops are stationed in around 150 countries in around foreign 800 military bases; nobody seems to know the precise figure. Depending on the definition used, the United